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One of the most significant ingredients that claim to have anti-aging effects are various berries. They are a so-called “Powerhouse” of nutrients and are composed of other actives that have a positive effect on your body. View Post
- 1 billion CFU
- 10 billion CFU
- 5-HMF
- 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
- A. muciniphila
- abdominal fat
- accelerated aging
- acne
- age-related diseases
- aged
- Allicin
- Alzheimer's
- Amadori
- amino acids
- anthocyanins
- Anti-Aging
- anti-aging effects
- anti-inflammatories
- anti-inflammatory effects
- antigen
- antimicrobial effect
- antioxidant activity
- antioxidant enzyme systems
- Antioxidant Source
- antioxidant-rich foods
- antioxidants
- anxiety
- arthritis
- Ashwagandha root
- Asia
- balanced gut environment
- Berries
- berry phenolics
- Bilberries
- biomarkers
- Biotin
- black garlic
- blood flow
- blood glucose levels
- blood lipid profiles
- blood sugar
- blood sugar regulation
- blood vessels disorders
- Brain Support
- cancers
- Candida
- cardiovascular diseases
- carotenoids
- cell survival
- cells
- cellular death
- cellular structures
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronic pain
- Coenzyme Q10
- colon
- cramps
- daily western diet
- decrease glucose levels
- delaying cognitive decline
- Dental Health
- depression
- dermatitis
- detoxification enzyme system
- diabetes
- diabetic adults
- diabetic neuropathic pain
- diabetic neuropathy
- digestion
- digestive tract
- diseases
- doctor
- Dr. Michael O’Leary
- Drugs
- eczema
- electron
- enzyme
- epidemic
- European blueberries
- fat
- Fat Loss
- feeling of satiety
- fenugreek
- Fenugreek Seed Extracts
- ferment
- fermented
- fiber rich diet
- fight free radicals
- fight infections
- flavonoids
- food
- free radicals
- fresh garlic
- fresh white garlic
- gastrointestinal tract
- genesis of myelin
- GI tract
- GLP-1
- glucose
- glucose levels
- glucose levels lower
- glucose tolerance
- glutathione
- Goji
- Goji berries
- gut microflora
- harmful free radicals
- health
- health benefits
- health problems
- healthier cells
- healthier skin
- healthy cells
- healthy gut flora
- healthy human skin
- healthy immune system
- Healthy Skin
- heart disease
- Heyns
- high blood pressure
- high glucose levels
- hunger hormone production
- hydrogen peroxide
- immune cells
- Immune System
- immune system cells
- improve overall eye health
- Improved Digestion
- improved eye health
- improved short-term memory
- improved vision
- increasing inflammation
- increasing inflammation response
- India
- infections
- inflammation
- inflammatory diseases
- ingredients
- inhibiting oxidative stress
- injury
- insulin
- insulin secretion
- insulin tolerance
- joints
- kidney failure
- L. casei
- Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
- latest report
- Lions Mane Mushroom
- lipid profiles
- live microorganisms
- liver
- liver issues
- long-term inflammation
- lower blood glucose levels
- lower levels of insulin
- lowering blood glucose
- Lowering of Blood Pressure
- lowering oxidative stress
- Medical researchers
- medicinal herbs
- medicine
- Mental Support
- micheal
- minerals
- molecules
- myelin
- natural methods
- natural methods and treatments
- natural treatments
- naturally powerful garlic
- negative emotions
- nerve health
- nerve regeneration
- neuropathy
- nitric oxide
- non-digestible fibers
- normal development of nerve cells
- nutrients
- Oat Straw Extract
- oxidative stress
- pancreas
- Parkinson's
- pathogens
- phenolic acids
- polysaccharides
- Poor gut health
- positive research
- powerful anti-oxidant
- powerful natural substance
- powerful natural supplement
- Prebiotics
- prediabetic
- premature death
- Probiotics
- proinflammatory biomarkers
- prostaglandin
- prostaglandin E2 cells
- protect healthy vision
- reduce chances of obesity
- reduce inflammation
- reduced skin aging
- reducing insulin resistance
- remyelination
- renin levels
- research
- revitalize energy
- risk of serious health problems
- sauerkraut
- scientifically proven
- Selenium
- skin
- skin inflammation
- smaller waist circumference
- stable molecule
- stiffness
- stilbenes
- strengthen macular characteristics
- stress
- stronger mental health
- sugar
- superior tonic
- superoxide dismutase
- supplement
- swelling
- tannins
- The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
- tingling
- TNF-a
- TNF-a cells
- toxic chemicals
- trace mineral
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- umbness
- Unstable glucose levels
- vision loss
- vital cellular structures
- vitamin A
- Vitamin B12
- vitamin C
- vitamins
- VitaPrima
- weakness
- Weight Loss
- Weight Management
- white garlic
- yogurt
- zeaxanthin