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By: Dr. Michael O’Leary PhD Published on April 5th, 2019 Diabetes today According to the CDC in their latest report in 2017, over 100 million adults in America are diabetic or prediabetic. The epidemic is growing on a yearly basis and is only expected to get worse. People with diabetes are also... View Post
- 1 billion CFU
- 10 billion CFU
- 5-HMF
- 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
- A. muciniphila
- abdominal fat
- accelerated aging
- acne
- age-related diseases
- aged
- Allicin
- Alzheimer's
- Amadori
- amino acids
- anthocyanins
- Anti-Aging
- anti-aging effects
- anti-inflammatories
- anti-inflammatory effects
- antigen
- antimicrobial effect
- antioxidant activity
- antioxidant enzyme systems
- Antioxidant Source
- antioxidant-rich foods
- antioxidants
- anxiety
- arthritis
- Ashwagandha root
- Asia
- balanced gut environment
- Berries
- berry phenolics
- Bilberries
- biomarkers
- Biotin
- black garlic
- blood flow
- blood glucose levels
- blood lipid profiles
- blood sugar
- blood sugar regulation
- blood vessels disorders
- Brain Support
- cancers
- Candida
- cardiovascular diseases
- carotenoids
- cell survival
- cells
- cellular death
- cellular structures
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronic pain
- Coenzyme Q10
- colon
- cramps
- daily western diet
- decrease glucose levels
- delaying cognitive decline
- Dental Health
- depression
- dermatitis
- detoxification enzyme system
- diabetes
- diabetic adults
- diabetic neuropathic pain
- diabetic neuropathy
- digestion
- digestive tract
- diseases
- doctor
- Dr. Michael O’Leary
- Drugs
- eczema
- electron
- enzyme
- epidemic
- European blueberries
- fat
- Fat Loss
- feeling of satiety
- fenugreek
- Fenugreek Seed Extracts
- ferment
- fermented
- fiber rich diet
- fight free radicals
- fight infections
- flavonoids
- food
- free radicals
- fresh garlic
- fresh white garlic
- gastrointestinal tract
- genesis of myelin
- GI tract
- GLP-1
- glucose
- glucose levels
- glucose levels lower
- glucose tolerance
- glutathione
- Goji
- Goji berries
- gut microflora
- harmful free radicals
- health
- health benefits
- health problems
- healthier cells
- healthier skin
- healthy cells
- healthy gut flora
- healthy human skin
- healthy immune system
- Healthy Skin
- heart disease
- Heyns
- high blood pressure
- high glucose levels
- hunger hormone production
- hydrogen peroxide
- immune cells
- Immune System
- immune system cells
- improve overall eye health
- Improved Digestion
- improved eye health
- improved short-term memory
- improved vision
- increasing inflammation
- increasing inflammation response
- India
- infections
- inflammation
- inflammatory diseases
- ingredients
- inhibiting oxidative stress
- injury
- insulin
- insulin secretion
- insulin tolerance
- joints
- kidney failure
- L. casei
- Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
- latest report
- Lions Mane Mushroom
- lipid profiles
- live microorganisms
- liver
- liver issues
- long-term inflammation
- lower blood glucose levels
- lower levels of insulin
- lowering blood glucose
- Lowering of Blood Pressure
- lowering oxidative stress
- Medical researchers
- medicinal herbs
- medicine
- Mental Support
- micheal
- minerals
- molecules
- myelin
- natural methods
- natural methods and treatments
- natural treatments
- naturally powerful garlic
- negative emotions
- nerve health
- nerve regeneration
- neuropathy
- nitric oxide
- non-digestible fibers
- normal development of nerve cells
- nutrients
- Oat Straw Extract
- oxidative stress
- pancreas
- Parkinson's
- pathogens
- phenolic acids
- polysaccharides
- Poor gut health
- positive research
- powerful anti-oxidant
- powerful natural substance
- powerful natural supplement
- Prebiotics
- prediabetic
- premature death
- Probiotics
- proinflammatory biomarkers
- prostaglandin
- prostaglandin E2 cells
- protect healthy vision
- reduce chances of obesity
- reduce inflammation
- reduced skin aging
- reducing insulin resistance
- remyelination
- renin levels
- research
- revitalize energy
- risk of serious health problems
- sauerkraut
- scientifically proven
- Selenium
- skin
- skin inflammation
- smaller waist circumference
- stable molecule
- stiffness
- stilbenes
- strengthen macular characteristics
- stress
- stronger mental health
- sugar
- superior tonic
- superoxide dismutase
- supplement
- swelling
- tannins
- The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
- tingling
- TNF-a
- TNF-a cells
- toxic chemicals
- trace mineral
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- umbness
- Unstable glucose levels
- vision loss
- vital cellular structures
- vitamin A
- Vitamin B12
- vitamin C
- vitamins
- VitaPrima
- weakness
- Weight Loss
- Weight Management
- white garlic
- yogurt
- zeaxanthin